Sentrillion Contract Vehicles
Our diverse contract vehicles provide our customers with access to our physical security solutions, information technology services and integrated logistics support capabilities. These vehicles expedite the delivery of our products and services and enable us to respond to customer requirements in a timely and efficient manner.
GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)
Get direct access to Sentrillion’s Security and Protection and Information Technology (IT) offerings and experienced professionals under the GSA MAS Schedule.
Learn MoreSubcontractor
Navy Seaport Next Generation (NxG)
The Navy's electronic platform for acquiring support services in 23 functional areas including Engineering, Financial Management, and Program Management.
The latest in information and communications technology and audio-visual products and services for NASA, the Department of Homeland Security and all federal agencies.
Learn MoreCIO-SP3
A next-generation Federal Health IT contract vehicle sponsored under the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC).
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Alliant 2
GSA’s next generation GWAC vehicle for comprehensive information technology (IT) solutions though customizable hardware, software, and services solutions purchased as a total package. Alliant 2 provides flexible access to customized IT solutions from a large, diverse pool of industry partners that includes a $50 Billion program ceiling.